vesselMaritime transport is a very broad field of general transport: people and cargo performed by freighter ships (OR COMMERCIAL SHIPS). The history of which goes back to the centuries. The rate of 80%- 85% of world trade is carried by ships.

The boat building from the time of Homer and the continuous evolution of the paddle in the sail, the invention of the compass which allowed explorers to discover new seas routes and commercial development sites, and then the application of steam and propeller and the choice of iron, steel as a material means gave a great progress in maritime transport.

The UNIT SHIPPING with highly trained staff and extensive experience, contribute to the improvement of services and the development of healthy competition.

For each shipment, the smallest pallet carton until loaded containers and oversized (special transport), appropriate attention is required, because it is believed that each case is different and transportation always adapt to the needs of our client.

We maintain robust partnerships with the largest shipping companies in the world.